Weather Dice
Weather Dice
Weather Dice
Weather Dice
Weather Dice
Product image 1Weather Dice
Product image 2Weather Dice
Product image 3Weather Dice
Product image 4Weather Dice
Product image 5Weather Dice

Weather Dice

Regular price 89,000 ₮

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Roll weather conditions in D&D 5e without looking up the rules. One roll, no charts.

The DMG provides rules for rolling weather in D&D 5th edition. Every day we roll to see what the weather will bring, and we still have to look it up every time. 

This set of 5 dice (3d20 + 2d4) is the rules. You just roll the dice, once every day like a hag with bones, and tell your party what the weather will be. It's lightning fast and doesn't require any memorization.

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