Play More
The idea behind Gyld is simple: we want to play more.
Our DM and Player tools are designed to save you time so that you can play more. Time in preparation; sure, you can make some of this stuff on your own, but we’ll save you the trip to Kinkos, or the toner cartridge. Time in-game as well; with your mechanics and notes organized you can focus on building an immersive world and personality for your players.
We play-test everything so that you don’t have to. We've scoured Amazon, read reviews and tried it in our state-of-the-art laboratory (Okay, it’s Gordie’s basement, but it’s really cool). Rest assured if you find it on the Gyld shop, it's the best option for TTRPG.
Gyld products are fulfilled from Ann Arbor, MI.

Al currently plays in three long-term campaigns (Finellen/Cleric of the Forge, Shavvir/Bladesinger & Bearscat/Barbarian) and DMs a game for 4th-graders. He started playing in middle school, mostly fantasy / sci-fi games (y’all remember RIFTS?) and a little AD&D (2e). After meeting up with Gordie a few years ago, he got back into the habit and can’t get enough D&D. Al works in entertainment and advertising and wants to bring a modern approach to design and content to the table top. He’s also super up-tight about clothing, and rides bikes a lot. Instagram: almcalmcal

James is relatively new to tabletop and is currently playing in four long-term campaigns (Nim 2.0/Fighter, Professor White/Wizard, Valna/Sorcerer & James/The DM). James is a graphic designer and has designed all of the Gyld merchandise, game sheets, and style. They also bring a new play-style to their campaigns that elevates all the players. They also, also build guitars. Instagram: aurumguitars