Solid Copper DM Screen: Embers of War (LTD Edition)
Solid Copper DM Screen: Embers of War (LTD Edition)
Solid Copper DM Screen: Embers of War (LTD Edition)
Solid Copper DM Screen: Embers of War (LTD Edition)
Solid Copper DM Screen: Embers of War (LTD Edition)
Product image 1Solid Copper DM Screen: Embers of War (LTD Edition)
Product image 2Solid Copper DM Screen: Embers of War (LTD Edition)
Product image 3Solid Copper DM Screen: Embers of War (LTD Edition)
Product image 4Solid Copper DM Screen: Embers of War (LTD Edition)
Product image 5Solid Copper DM Screen: Embers of War (LTD Edition)

Solid Copper DM Screen: Embers of War (LTD Edition)

Regular price $340.00 Sale price $369.00

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Can a DM screen give you advantage on charisma checks and an AC of 18?

This DM screen is hand-made in Traverse City, MI. The custom illustration "Embers of War," by Melanie Steinke is laser-etched on solid copper plate and lashed together with leather strapping. The limited run of 500 will be individually numbered, and each will be unique as the patina wears and weathers to your use.

Each of the four plates are approximately 8.5"x 9.5", with the end plates slightly shorter to easily fold into the center—giving you nearly 40" of behind the screen room and still sliding easily into a backpack or file case (though, we're keeping ours hanging in the game room).

The leather strapping is wrapped around the bottom of the screen to provide quiet, stable grip and protection for your table.

Currently Taking orders for Units #002-011

We can't legally say you should use this as armor in a zombie apocalypse, but it can't hurt to have one just in case.

  • Handmade in Traverse City, MI
  • Playtested in Ann Arbor, MI
  • Illustrated in Brandenburg, Germany
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