Death Saves Pillow!
Death Saves Pillow!
Death Saves Pillow!
Death Saves Pillow!
Product image 1Death Saves Pillow!
Product image 2Death Saves Pillow!
Product image 3Death Saves Pillow!
Product image 4Death Saves Pillow!

Death Saves Pillow!

Regular price $103.00 Sale price $112.00

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Thanks to Lana K. (Saving Throw Pillows) for this awesome collaboration—Death Saving Throws have never been more cute and huggable. 

These custom pillows have the layout of Gyld Death Saving Throw Dice, a friendly reminder from your couch never to make Constitution your dump stat.

Each pillow includes a cleverly hidden pocket (~6" x 9") for dice, minis, cash, snacks, magic beans, dust of disappearance, or anything you might take to your next game!

Lovingly handmade in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Size:  12" X 12" X 12"

Weight ~2lb

Design: With the same layout as Death Saving Throw Dice, each pillow has 20 faces: 11 Hearts and a 9 Skulls. The "1" and "20" are highlighted for Critical Saves and Failures.

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